What has society taught us?

For centuries society has taught us how to be the exact opposite of what society really needs. From the beginning especially in school we are taught to fit in, not question authority, use number two pencils, study, memorize, do good on tests (OR ELSE!!), participate in extra activities and follow directions. We are taught that if we work hard, keep our heads down and show up on time we will get a pay check and be living the American Dream. Well guess what, the American Dream is over, or at least it has changed drastically. The world no longer needs a bunch of people who are mediocre rule followers who all fit in and try to buy things in order to be just like each other. Those would be called factory workers and that was okay centuries ago but not today.

What the world needs today are people who challenge authority, who think outside the box, who can see the reality of today and describe a different tomorrow. The world needs people that are creative, innovative and passionate. If you want to be a "good employee/student/etc" and are fine with that then go ahead, show up on time, do what you're told and don't question processes. Be a mediocre rule follower. If you want to be a great! indispensable! irreplaceable! REMARKABLE person then you need to be able to think outside the box. You need to question processes, look for brighter and innovative solutions to find the best possible answer. Opportunity comes by changing the game, changing the interaction and changing the course, not by following the rules.

It's so unfortunate that society has set up a system where students are mass produced and come out with the degrees from schools based on this concept. Even worse there is a hierarchy that chooses which degrees are better then others and which are more valuable then others. The truth is the value is in the person, in their passion, energy, awareness, humanness and able to connect with others, not in how well we're able to be mediocre rule followers. A business full of innovators and creative individuals where they are allowed to think as they want making up the rules as they go is far more productive then a business full of factory workers showing up, following rules and fitting in.

Yes, it may seem safer to hire a group of employees who will do as they are told but it is far more productive to hire those who truly stand out, are passionate and driven. Happiness comes from relationships and human connection. If you have a company where people are allowed to break the rules and rewarded for being creative their inner artist will thrive, they will connect and there will be positive connection and happiness all around you. If you have strict rules, punish those who question processes and dilute creative ideas with order and structure there will be less human connection, less passion and work will NOT be a happy place. Allow, reward and be what society needs to prosper. Passion. Drive. Energy. Awareness and Creativity. Innovative thinkers, not mediocre rule followers