Lend that Positive Energy!

Having a positive attitude is such a powerful force to have behind you. It is essential in order to lead a happy, successful and fun filled life. Positive energy attracts other positive energy so the more you give out, the more you will take in. Practicing this mentality lends itself not only to you, but to all those around you. It's contagious, inspiring and it's all the momentum you need to guide you along your journey of success. (Remember, success isn't a destination, but a journey!)

Here are some easy ways to spread (and attract) positive energy:

- Really! Smile at strangers, yourself walking down the street, even animals you see in the park. Smiling is the easiest way to show how happy of a person you are, and bonus points when you get one back :)

Listen- Ask people around you how their day is going, how their life is going, really listen and show empathy...and if time allows, lend them a positive response!

Perform a simple act of kindness- Go out of your way to do something nice for someone else. Hold a door, pick up the umbrella they dropped or offer a helping hand in whatever they are doing. A little bit goes a long way!

Give a genuine compliment- Let someone know how great of a job they are doing, how they inspire you or how wonderful they look! There's no better way to cheer up someone's day then to give them a genuine compliment.

Offer encouragement- Encourage your friend, neighbor or co-worker in whatever they are doing. Tell them how great their idea is, offer positive advice and make sure they know that you believe in them!

Now imagine, if you went around all day every day performing these simple tasks of spreading positive energy. You smile at everyone, tell them how great they look, really listen when they talk, lend a helping hand and encourage them, I think you would be surprised at how good this would make you feel. I dare YOU! THERE!, reading this blog, to pick one day, any day this week or next and practice these things for the entire day. It doesn't matter if you are at home alone (you can pick up the phone right?), at work, school, wherever you are, just try it! Notice how happy it makes you feel...ahhh Life is GOOD, love it!