Every Day Adventures

Every day we have the opportunity to make life a little bit more exciting and a little less mundane. This is one opportunity that I make sure to take advantage of, and so should you! It's so easy to get stuck into a routine and look back to see you've done the same thing for the last month, maybe even year. Don't get me wrong, I like routine too, it's comfy and cozy like a favorite pair of pj's, but sometimes you just have to mix it up a little.

So how can you add adventure to your every day life? Simple.
  • Sing in the shower, I mean REALLY SING like you're trying out for American Idol, the acoustics are great anyway, so go for it!
  • Rearrange your office or home so you love it, add some FUN new decor!
  • Take the path less traveled, walk or drive a different way to work, try going backwards
  • Eat somewhere you've NEVER been, order something you've NEVER tried
  • Check out Meetup.com and make some new friends at Happy Hour
  • Make up your newest dance move and try it out in public
  • Call your friends and talk in your best foreign accent 
  • Change your voicemail greeting
  • And my personal favorite, browsing Craigslist, apply for random some gigs, you never know who/what's out there! (London's Craigslist moved me from WI to NYC and NYC's Craigslist took me to the Golden Globes last year. Trust me, you just really never know!!)