Wining & Dining...Revisited

Um, just because I wrote that last blog post doesn't mean I'm perfect. If you see me out to brunch with a mimosa in hand, don't hold it against me. Everything is okay is moderation. We all deserve to go out and have a little fun from time to time.

Fear not. You don't have to spend a fortune.

Ever hear the words two buck chuck? Yeah, that's because it's a $2 bottle of wine at Trader Joes. And even if you're an uber wine snob, chances are you won't be able to tell the difference.  Here are some more places to satisfy your wine taste on a beer budget.

Wine Anthology
Woot Wine
One King's Lane (On Sundays)

Bookmark these bad boys and make them your besties for dining in the city. And just because you're being frugal doesn't mean you're allowed to tip like crap. There's a huge difference between being frugal and being cheap. Tip your server like a god, the karma will pay off, trust me.

Living Social
Google Offers
Gilt City
Pop Sugar

Are you starting to get the picture? Bravo!