Consumers Unite: The Power of the People

In a world of unlimited choices, instant communication and access to information with the click of a mouse, the voice and power of the consumer has never been so profound. Thanks to the internet, consumers are able to to ban together, voice their opinions and make informed decisions. Online communities are giving the little people power over big companies and organizations.

Take Yelp for example, there are thousands if not millions of "yelpers" who rate everything they do from concert venues to spas, restaurants to gyms. Business owners, THIS IS WHERE YOU NEED TO PAY ATTENTION. Market research and self improvement is right at the tip of your fingers! No more focus groups or surveys, simply find out what people are saying about you and your competitors online. These online communities are making it easier for consumers to tell businesses what they like (or don't like) and in return it's easier for the businesses to provide value to their consumers. Power to the little people!!!