McChina Rant

With a rapidly growing middle class in the world's biggest market, fast food giants like Yum! Brands and McDonald's just can't help but shove their fatty foods in the faces of the Chinese. The fast food kings of the West are now taking over the East, and at what expense? The health of a(nother) nation.

I hate to break it to you, but it's not all smiles and happy meals in China these days. In fact, China has become a mirror to America's fast food nightmare. Recent studies show that 30% of Chinese adults are now overweight and new cases of diabetes are being diagnosed at an alarming rate.

There is no mixing of business and pleasure here my friends. It's western fast food business resulting in misery and bad health for the Chinese nation. I love America and I'm a big fan of globalization, but is it really necessary to spread unhealthy eating habits around the world? I think not!

♪Ba-da-da-da-da, I'm not loving it! ♫