In Business, It Pays to Listen

When it comes to devising compelling social media strategies, the number one skill businesses need to focus on is the art of listening.

While many get caught up in accumulating thousands of Facebook "Likes" or followers on Twitter, others are finding success in taking the time to understand conversation across the social web. Everyday, there are millions of pieces of conversation exchanged. There are over 50,000 new blogs started, approximately 140 million new Tweets and even more comments across Yelp, Facebook, News Forums, YouTube and the like.

All of this conversation can be traced back to basic human desires, everyone wants their opinion to matter and wants to feel connected. Companies need to recognize these desires, the concerns, the  joys, needs and questions, and use them to act accordingly.

So companies, like a good date, remember it's better to let them do the talking. Always listen twice as much as you speak. After all, no one likes to hear someone go on and on about themselves, don't be that person! Take the time to listen to conversation and build a strategy around what is being said.

Do this and you'll be able to finally tune into the unmet needs and behaviors of your consumers. The better you get at listening, the better you'll get at building memorable exchanges and long lasting relationships around your brand.