3 Apps I Need STAT

1. El Pronto Decision Maker
Not only does this app read your mind, but it makes decisions for you based on your geo-location, online habits, texts, phone conversations and more! It does NOT give you options to choose from (gah! who has time to make decisions these days??) but rather delivers a singular decision with a list of reasons why it makes sense for you. Use it for dining, shopping, workout routines, watching tv, listening to music, basically every aspect of your life.

2. Shoply.sale
This app will rock your world! Enter the name of items you are looking for (black blazer, rainboots, winter scarf, etc.) along with your favorite brands and it will stockpile a list of online sale items that match your query! Set up alerts or check back daily to find exactly what you're looking for. No more hours of online or in store browsing. Instant sale gratification.

3. P@sswrdK33pr

Every website you go on needs a password these days, and they all seem to require some weird combination of Numbers and l3tt3rs. Who the heck can really remember 20 different passwords? This app will log each and every one of your passwords, and kindly remind you of them upon your voice activated request.