My EUREKA! moment

Yesterday was a typical busy day... I was running late as usual (I tend to do this to myself often) ran out and down my fourth floor walk up, got to the train station swiped my card and the good old INSUFFICIENT FUNDS showed up. UGH, how dare it! I went to buy a new metro card, naturally the machine wasn't working, and then finally it did and by the time I got it, swiped, ran down to the train it was just closing it's doors and leaving, typical. Wait wait wait for the next train, go to work, blah blah blah. Now here is where the good stuff happens.

It unexpectedly starts raining and everyone everywhere is running around using whatever they have to shield themselves from the rain. Being an entrepreneur at heart I find opportunity where there's a problem. No one has umbrellas, they are getting wet and this is a problem. What if umbrellas were conveniently available when people needed them? What if they were cheap, disposable and easily accessible? EUREKA! I've got it! Do you?