No Risk? Tsk Tsk!

Taking risks can be scary...but more so it's fun, exciting and the fastest way to success.

Putting it all out on the line knowing that you might fail, sure it's a little intimidating. The thing about failure is that you have to embrace it. Failure gives you insight for the future, making you that much smarter and moving you that much closer to success. Chances are that if someone has found a way to make something work, they've also found 20,000 ways NOT to make it work. If you're not failing, you're not doing anything sufficiently difficult enough.

Only those brave enough to take risks understand the true value of them. What if Steve Jobs had never dropped out of college to follow his dreams? There would be no Apple, no Mac, no iPhone and he wouldn't be a billionaire. Do I even need to mention Richard Branson, Coco Chanel, Michael Dell, Walt Disney, Henry Ford or Rachel Ray? There are a countless number of people who reached success all because they took risks.

You have to follow your instincts, that little voice that's telling you go! If you have a good idea...if you can dream the benefits that may follow...then get out there and do it.

Take a risk. Fail. Fail again. Succeed.