Celebrating Earth Day Online

Today is #EarthDay and brands across the web are using social media as a tool to get their audiences involved in helping out Mother Earth. Patagonia, Starbucks, RadioShack and Lowes have all launched fantastic Earth Day Campaigns across various social media networks, demonstrating their desire to make greener and more eco-friendly choices for our planet.

With a digital download on iTunes, sponsored by Patagonia, users will see 60% of their music purchases going to environmental organizations such as the Rainforest Action Network and Earthjustice.  If you BYOM (bring your own mug) to Starbucks, you can enjoy a free cup of coffee since you’re cutting back on environmental waste. Lowes has a sponsored tweet offering a free tree giveaway when you stop by the store, and RadioShack is advertising major discounts when you bring in old electronic devices that they recycle for you!

Companies are helping their consumers make smarter, greener choices for our planet by integrating Earth Day campaigns into their online strategies. So for those of us that aren’t able to get out and celebrate our beautiful planet by planting a tree, these online initiatives make great alternatives!

Here are some more ways you can celebrate online.