Brand Positioning Q & A

So you've just spend thousands of dollars testing and countless man hours developing, your latest and greatest BIG IDEA. You've nearly exhausted your resources and now it's time for the real test: introducing it to the market. 

Best Case Scenario: Early adopters love your idea and it's an astonishing success-huge ROI!
Worst Case Scenario: You fail miserably to reach your audience and are left in the dust.

Whether you are establishing yourself in a new market or defending your market share, brand positioning is a complex animal to tame. No matter how much effort you put forth, ultimately it's not you that decides how your brand is perceived.

Q: Well who decides then?
A: Your consumer.

Q: What's the best way to influence them??
A: Effective communication.

Q: Well how do you do that???
A: You can start with hiring a professional public relations firm.

After all the time, money and effort you've invested in your BIG IDEA it only makes sense to get it done right...just saying!

Leading Innovation

Innovation is the key driving force of business when it comes to the consumer market. In a world of what seems like unlimited choices, one of the biggest challenges companies face is keeping their end users engaged with exciting new products and ideas. Products and services come and go which forces innovation to play an integral role in a company's survival.

One of my favorite examples of innovative companies is (if you haven't guessed it already) Apple. Now it's no secret that Apple has had it's share of ups and downs in the past decade or two but if we look back and see how they are keeping their consumers engaged with innovative new ideas and products, it's easy to see why they are leaders in their industry.

Most people don't realize that the engineering and concept of the iPhone / iPad was essentially released over 15 years ago. Yes, that's right people...Apple has been ahead of the game for a long time! Unfortunately due to a huge consumer learning curve, we weren't ready for what they had in store for us when they released the Newton back in the 90's. The Newton was developed as a PDA and at $700 a pop, it wasn't exactly an easy sell. Although the right ideas were in mind, the product failed at the time because the consumer market just wasn't ready. Good thing Apple knows the golden rule: if at first you don't succeed, try try again....

....OR just wait until the market is ready then continuously keep them engaged with innovative new products and ideas!

No Risk? Tsk Tsk!

Taking risks can be scary...but more so it's fun, exciting and the fastest way to success.

Putting it all out on the line knowing that you might fail, sure it's a little intimidating. The thing about failure is that you have to embrace it. Failure gives you insight for the future, making you that much smarter and moving you that much closer to success. Chances are that if someone has found a way to make something work, they've also found 20,000 ways NOT to make it work. If you're not failing, you're not doing anything sufficiently difficult enough.

Only those brave enough to take risks understand the true value of them. What if Steve Jobs had never dropped out of college to follow his dreams? There would be no Apple, no Mac, no iPhone and he wouldn't be a billionaire. Do I even need to mention Richard Branson, Coco Chanel, Michael Dell, Walt Disney, Henry Ford or Rachel Ray? There are a countless number of people who reached success all because they took risks.

You have to follow your instincts, that little voice that's telling you go! If you have a good idea...if you can dream the benefits that may follow...then get out there and do it.

Take a risk. Fail. Fail again. Succeed.

Some Like it Hot

It's starting to get crisp and cool outside which can only mean one thing, it's time to move the hot vinyasa routine in my apartment back to the Yoga Studio next door. Nothing beats sweating and stretching in a 105°F room for an hour packed wall to wall with strangers. Top that with slamming a coconut water and climbing up four flights of stairs to my apartment and I've got myself a little slice of heaven.

Yoga is a hot way to stay in shape and ease the mind. Especially for those of us with busy lifestyles, it's a great way to sneak in some calm time. Do I even need to mention the amazing body it will be sure to give you or all the fabulous people you will meet?  I can't wait to reunite with my fellow Yogi's and Yogini's back at the studio. AUM....